The Perfect 6-Step Morning Routine for Busy Low-Tox Mummas

The Perfect 6-Step Morning Routine for Busy Low-Tox Mummas

Rising in the morning, with so many thoughts swirling…

Starting the day can often feel overwhelming, especially for busy mums. But it doesn’t have to be that way! With a mindful morning routine, you can transform those hectic moments into a serene sanctuary, filled with wellness and self-care benefits.

As the founder of Well Verti and a mum of two little boys, I understand the importance of a morning routine that balances both the demands of motherhood and personal well-being. Here’s how I turn my mornings into a haven of purity and bliss, using only low-tox, organic products.

Wake Up with Intention (or Kids Jumping on Your Bed)

I begin my day by aligning my wake-up time with the natural rhythm of the sunrise—or, let’s be honest, the sound of my little ones using me as a human trampoline!

This supports your body’s circadian rhythm, promoting vitality and energy. I cherish these early moments of quiet before the chaos erupts, setting a peaceful tone for the day. Starting with gratitude (and maybe a double espresso), I hydrate with a glass of water mixed with a pinch of Celtic salt. This replenishes electrolytes and supports overall hydration, helping me feel more awake and alert. I appreciate the calm before the storm and the giggles and chaos that soon follow, fostering a positive mindset right from the start.

A Moment of Meditation in the Sanctuary of the Shower

Taking even just five minutes for myself in the shower can make a huge difference. The soothing filtered water creates a calming environment, perfect for a brief meditation. As the water flows, I focus on my breath and let go of any stress, finding a few moments of peace before the day truly begins.

This simple practice helps me stay grounded and ready to face whatever comes my way, with renewed energy and a clear mind.

Energise with a Quick Morning Stretch

Kickstart your day with a quick morning stretch to wake up your body and mind. Stretching helps increase blood flow, improves flexibility, and releases any tension that builds up overnight.

It's a simple yet effective way to boost your energy levels and start your day feeling refreshed and invigorated. Whether it's a few yoga poses or just a full-body stretch, this little routine can make a big difference in how you feel.

Nourishing Skincare

A simple, consistent skincare routine is essential. I use, low-tox products to cleanse and hydrate my skin, ensuring it stays healthy and hydrated. This ritual is a small but significant act of self-care that I look forward to every morning.

Breathing Exercises

During my skincare routine, I incorporate breathing exercises. Deep, mindful breaths not only enhance relaxation but also improve oxygenation and circulation. The calming aromas of the products add to the overall sensory experience.

Practicing Gratitude

Ending my morning routine with a moment of gratitude sets a positive vibe for the day. Acknowledging the blessings in my life, big and small, creates a beautiful mindset and attitude of gratefulness for the day.

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The content provided in this article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice and consultation, including professional medical advice. The opinions and content included in the article reflect my personal views and experiences as the founder of Well Verti. Always consult with a professional for any health concerns or conditions.

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