Why you have the BEST ideas in the shower.

Why you have the BEST ideas in the shower.


Who knew that taking a shower could be such a powerful source of inspiration? It turns out that our brains are wired to be creative in those moments when we're standing naked and wet, thanks to a little thing called the default mode network (DMN).

Now, you might be wondering what in the world the DMN is. Well, it's a network of brain regions that activates when we're not focused on anything in particular. Basically, it's like a mental playground for your brain to roam around and make connections. And what better place to let your mind wander than in the shower?

There are a few reasons why showers are such a great breeding ground for creativity.

Serenity For starters, the warm water and soothing sounds can help reduce stress and anxiety, freeing up your mind to explore new ideas. Plus, when you're in the shower, you're totally alone with your thoughts, which can be a rare thing these days.

Let's Get Physical

Repetitive tasks, like washing your hair or shaving your legs, can actually increase the production of dopamine in your brain, which is a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. And when you feel good, you're more motivated to come up with innovative solutions to whatever problem you're trying to solve.

Unload Mental Overload

Lastly, the shower is a place where you don't have to think too hard about what you're doing. Unlike the rest of your day, where you're bombarded with information and decisions to make, showering is a simple and familiar routine. And that reduced cognitive load can give your brain the space it needs to connect the dots and come up with something truly brilliant.

So, the next time you're feeling stuck or in need of a little creative boost, take a shower and let your mind run wild. And while you're at it, why not try our wellness pod shower filter for an even more relaxing and rejuvenating experience? Trust us, your brain (and your skin) will thank you.

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