The Shower Habit That Will Reset Your Brain

The Shower Habit That Will Reset Your Brain

In winter, we all crave the warmth of a hot shower to thaw our frosty limbs and soothe our chilly souls. But what if we dared to step out of our comfort zone and try something different? What if, amidst the icy winds and frost-kissed mornings, we embraced the invigorating chill of a cold shower? Join us as we explore this unconventional yet incredibly rewarding winter wellness ritual, and discover the surprising benefits it holds for body and mind + with your Well Verti shower filter installed. 

The Science Behind the Refreshment

As you embrace the invigorating chill of the shower, several things happen in your body:

  • Boosted Alertness: The initial shock of cold water jump-starts your heart rate, increases oxygen intake, and heightens alertness.
  • Enhanced Immunity: Regular exposure to cold water can improve immune function, preparing you to fend off seasonal sniffles.
  • Mood Elevation: Cold showers stimulate the production of endorphins, also known as ‘happiness hormones’, which can be a natural antidote to holiday stress.

Mindful Moments in the Midst of Madness

The act of turning your shower dial from hot to cold, especially when enhanced with filtered water, becomes a mindful practice. It's about embracing the moment, focusing on the sensation of the water, and regulating your breathing. This mindfulness, cultivated under the shower, can seep into other areas of your life, helping you navigate the holiday season with more grace and presence.

Not only am I benefiting physically, but I am also building emotional resilience  (we all need some of that)

By incorporating cold showers into your daily routine, you’re not just cooling off; you’re building emotional resilience. Each time you choose to step under that stream of cold water, you're practicing facing challenges and discomfort with courage and calm. This daily act of bravery can transform how you handle holiday stresses, making you more composed and centered.

Consider adding this simple yet powerful ritual to your daily routine.

Love Taylor, Well Verti CEO


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